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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营合伙企业
  • 公司地址: 四川省 绵阳 安县 秀水镇 东风路16号
  • 姓名: 谭**
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



    Miangyang Shenlong Jiaji Technology Co., Ltd was established in 2003, and it is one of the first phosphate manufacturers in Anzhou district of Mianyang City, which is the only high tech city in China. With almost 20 years of development, so far Mianyang Shenlong Jiaji Technology Co., Ltd has become the biggest tech grade STPP manufacturer in Sichuan province in respect to the yearly capacity. Our new production line of 94% tech grade STPP was firstly commissioned in 2014, and then shortly our quality tech grade STPP welcomed a boom in both domestic and international market, with a large number of traders and overseas factories purchasing our products. Therefore we immediately increased our capacity and till today we can be ranked as one of the most famous brand tech grade STPP in Sichuan and we also enjoy great competitiveness in Chinese tech grade STPP market.
    STPP, the full name tech grade sodium tripolyphosphate, is used in many areas, such as detergent powder manufacturing, ceramic production as the deflocculant, water treatment, etc. The Crystal STPP, our registered brand, is mainly sold in domestic market, while our neutral packing STPP is exported to many overseas countries via domestic exporters and our international sales department. The total international sales takes 50% of our yearly production, and the remaining is mainly sold to domestic washing powder factories, ceramic factories, water treatment projects, etc. The 94% tech grade STPP made by Miangyang Shenlong Jiaji Technology Co., Ltd, is as water as snow with over 90% whiteness, the total content is over 94%, and the P2O5 is over 57%. We manufacture tech grade STPP in line with international standards, and our products has been well received by customers from all continents. 
    Crystal STPP includes three sub-category product, namely STPP powder for export, washing powder STPP(also known as detergent STPP and ceramic STPP. the STPP powder for export is the most popular STPP in international market, because the fine powder has very high bulk density. Then it can be loaded into a 20 FCL container with a total of 27 tons without pallets; if with pallets, still 25 tons can be loaded with ease. The washing powder STPP has a medium bulk density and is widely used for making washing powder for domestic washing powder factories and the ceramic STPP is used as dewatering agent, also known as water deflocculant, it has a bulk density of below 0.6g/ml, which guarantees its great dispersion while used in the ceramic slurry. Our Crystal STPP tech grade 94% is highly popular for both domestic and international STPP buyers and we are confident that we can further expand our market share in the tech grade STPP market, in particular the international tech grade STPP market in the near future.
    Last but nevertheless the least, we, Mianyang Shenlong Jiaji Technology Co., Ltd, sincerely promise to our near-to-come customers that we will offer you the price with competitive edge so as to further your business. We always believe a win-win business can be the ideal and only base on mutual benefits, both of us can win in the nowadays market. 94% tech grade STPP, Jiaji Crystal STPP, can always be a better choice for you, if you are interested in our tech grade STPP, please never be hesitated to contact us so far that we can supply you the best-ever tech grade STPP at competitive price. Mianyang Shenlong Jiaji Technology Co., Ltd, your long time friend, your loyal Chinese 94% tech grade STPP supplier!
    欢迎来到绵阳市神龙嘉吉科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是四川绵阳安县四川省绵阳市安州区秀水镇东风村,负责人是乔伟。 主要经营工业级三聚。 磷制品、磷化工产品的研发;化工产品的生产、销售(不含危险化学品);进出口贸易(国家禁止和限制的除外)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。

    主要市场 印度、巴基斯坦、中东、非洲、东南亚、南美洲等地区和国家 国内主要为山东、广东、四川、河南等地
    经营范围 公司主要经营三聚,


    企业经济性质: 私营合伙企业 法人代表或负责人: 乔伟
    企业类型: 生产加工 公司注册地: 四川 绵阳 安县 秀水镇 东风路16号
    注册资金: 人民币 100 万元以下 成立时间: 2016
    员工人数: 101 - 500 人 月产量: 3000吨/月
    年营业额: 人民币 500 - 1000 万元 年出口额: 人民币 100 - 250 万元
    管理体系认证: ISO*体系 主要经营地点: 四川省绵阳市安州区秀水镇东风路16号
    主要客户: 陶瓷、洗涤、污水处理等客户 厂房面积: 60000
    是否提供OEM代加工: 开户银行: 中国农业银行秀水支行
    银行帐号: 222624014040007471
    主要市场: 印度、巴基斯坦、中东、非洲、东南亚、南美洲等地区和国家 国内主要为山东、广东、四川、河南等地